KSD To Hold ‘Unveil’ Strategic Plan Tuesday Night (Zoom)
Tonight, Tuesday Oct. 27 the Kennewick School District will unveil it's strategic plan in a Zoom meeting entitled "KSD's Strategic Plan Envisioning the Future" and will be led by Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce.
An email to the KSD Communications/PR Department about what is specifically in the plan got this response Tuesday morning:
"The information about the strategic plan will be presented tonight and not released in advance. The strategic planning process began in Feb. 2020 with several staff and community input sessions. This a continuation of that work. Dr. Pierce will present a draft of the strategic plan to the community before it goes to the school board for final approval. We plan to record this session and make it available to the public."
No specific details about what's in the plan were released, but it's presumed it's a look at the overall educational system moving forward.
The situation for the Kennewick School District has changed significantly in the last 7-10 days. The School Board abruptly chose to go against the green light from the BFHD and by a split vote of 3-2 chose to delay MS and HS return to February.
That has triggered a number of marches, protests, and other activity from parents and students, including serious recall petitions being prepared for the three Board members who voted against re opening.
For a link for parents-students-citizens to join the meeting click on the button below. It takes you to the meeting page, the link is on the page.