Mother Nature Hammers Benton County Roads, Many Closed
One of the harshest winters in years has destroyed or damaged many Benton County roads, some are closed short-term, several probably won't be fixed for months. For those who don't travel into the outlying areas, these pictures are the first visuals of just how hard nature has been.
Not only did the cold, snow and ice hammer the pavement, but now melting snow and rain have washed out many areas. We've seen bigger amounts of water run off than has happened in years, and huge chunks of road, shoulders and even guardrails have been swept away.
If you live in Benton County, click here for a list of short and long-term road closures. The Benton County Road Department has the laborious task of trying to get these roads driveable, while trying to make permanent repairs.
The already weathered and weakened roads and infrastructure are now being further damaged by all the rain, and numerous flood warnings we've had, and not just in Benton, but also Franklin County, where a state of disaster has been declared with damages estimated over $2 million.
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