Passed Out, Armed Driver in Road Then Leads Officers on Chase
Around 4:30AM Tuesday morning, Benton County Deputies responded to a strange call, area residents near 19th and Beech Streets reported a vehicle sitting idle in the middle of the street.
It was blocking the roadway, but when Deputies arrived they found a man apparently passed out behind the wheel, with a gun on his lap. A check of the plates showed the Honda was reported stolen out of Pasco.
Containment was setup, K-9 Sable was called in, and then a loudspeaker used to tell the suspect to give himself up. This apparently woke up rather fast. But as he was initially complying, and getting out of the car, he bolted.
Deputies and Kennewick Police chased him through several yards, but thanks to help from area citizens who watched and helped track him, the suspect was arrested.
Angel Flores, 21, is now in the Benton County jail facing a plethora of charges including auto theft and possession of the firearm.