See the Weird Reason India Is Now an Apple Grower’s Worst Friend
Remember that phrase, "What's it got to do with the price of tea in China?" Well, a lot of things used to relate to the price of tea... but not anymore. For the Mid Columbia, the price of wheat, lentils, onions, hops, grapes and apples is everything. Now India is messing with that!
Interestingly, it's another reminder of how we're all connected in the world economy. When port workers went on strike Mid Columbia farmers, especially the lentil growers, couldn't get their product to market. That meant at least some of it just rotted in storage costing millions. When China said it didn't want any GMO wheat, it sent a panic through Mid Columbia wheat growers.
It's kind of fun to drive past a field and ponder where in the world that plant will end up on a dinner plate.
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