Obama Goes Skeet Shooting All the Time – Can He Convince You He’s Not Anti-Gun?
During the recent gun discussions, Obama has tried to make Americans think he is respectful of our 2nd Amendment freedoms, but his political actions show it's just not true.
In an interview with the New Republic magazine online published Jan. 27, Obama said the following to interviewer Frank Foer:
FF: Have you ever fired a gun?
BO: Yes, in fact, up at Camp David we do skeet shooting all the time.
FF: The whole family?
BO: Not the girls, but oftentimes guests of mine go up there. And I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations. And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake.
So, that explains why, behind the scenes, Obama has been working to severely limit guns, ammunition and 2nd Amendment rights? The preceding quote from Obama fits right in with information released by the NRA:
Now, President Obama, his administration and his anti-gun allies in the media have tried to shrug off, laugh off, shout down or shut down anyone who dares to investigate their clandestine, back-channel, anti-gun activities.
They’ll spout platitudes about protecting sportsmen and hunters. They’ll insist they’ve done nothing to attack your right to own a gun.
The NRA literature from 2012 also contains more evidence of Obama's behind-the-scenes efforts to eliminate guns and the 2nd Amendment throughout his entire political career. While a U.S. Senator:
He endorsed a total ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns. He opposed Right- to-Carry laws. He voted to ban nearly all common hunting-rifle ammunition.
Once entering the White House, Obama and his administration have done the following, again from the NRA information:
Obama vowed to re-impose the discredited Clinton gun ban, and Biden bragged that, 'I’m the guy that originally wrote the assault weapons ban.'
New York Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D) pressured Obama and Biden to back her ban on ammunition magazines just prior to his first inauguration. She later told Newsweek Magazine: “They told me that’s not for now, that’s for later.”
According to the NRA, less than a week after winning the 2008 election, Obama's behind-the-scenes plan was mistakenly leaked to the public:
For example, within a week of their election victory, the Obama-Biden transition team had posted a web page—at change.gov—that listed several anti-gun objectives as priorities, including:
• Permanently re-imposing the Clinton gun bans
• Opening up sensitive BATFE gun “trace” data for manipulation by anti-gun politicians
• Imposing restrictions that would severely restrict gun shows
You can bet some webmaster lost his job over that mis-step, because within days the web page, and its anti-gun agenda items, disappeared into cyberspace.
So why would the Obama Administration want to do away with guns? The NRA suggests it has political motivation. Again, from the 2012 NRA literature online:
Without the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to unite, inspire, empower and activate America’s 90 million gun owners, they hope to profoundly alter the political landscape of our country forever.
The NRA offers statistics to show the 2nd Amendment has played a role in key battleground states. Conservative American voters see attacks on the right to bear arms as an indicator of the overall attempts of the federal government to wrestle away freedoms and independence from citizens.
The NRA goes on to show that other countries such as Britain, Australia, Canada, and South Africa have experienced what they called crushing gun-rights defeats, followed by increased government intrusion into other areas of people's lives.
What began as an effort to rid America of its guns during his first term has continued today. Obama continues to talk publicly about how he doesn't want to take your guns, but the facts show otherwise. His rhetoric doesn't match his record.
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