State Commerce Pumps $97Million Into Housing Projects
Tuesday, the Washington State Department of Commerce made this announcement, that $97million in grants and loans for what they called affordable housing across the state. The information release read in part:
"These funds will help provide an estimated 1,404 multifamily rental units/beds, 121 homes for first-time homebuyers, 86 units of modular housing, and 74 units in cottage-style communities. $85.3 million of funding comes from the state’s Housing Trust Fund, with $11.7 million provided through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME and National Housing Trust Fund programs, also managed by Commerce in Washington state."
According to the release, some of the money is coming to our area:
"...Grantee Pasco Haven in the Tri-Cities community is the result of diverse collaboration between the city of Pasco, Kennewick Housing Authority, Inland Development, Continuum of Care and Greater Columbia Accountable Community of Health, Horizon Housing Alliance and Catholic Charities Eastern Washington."
And more details about the Pasco project:
"Pasco Haven will provide studio and one-bedroom apartments, a place to connect with the community and access to services needed to manage their illnesses, improve job skills, and identify and create plans that improve issues contributing to chronic poverty."
Additional details about these projects can be seen by clicking on the button below.