Fraud Suspects Sought by Police, Car Probably Easy to SpotFraud Suspects Sought by Police, Car Probably Easy to Spot Police didn't specify when the fraud occurred.John McKayJohn McKay
Early Tuesday Morning Assault Lands Victim in Kennewick HospitalEarly Tuesday Morning Assault Lands Victim in Kennewick HospitalKennewick Police and Benton County Deputies responded to the call. John McKayJohn McKay
Ranch and Home Thieves Sought in $4,000 Felony HeistRanch and Home Thieves Sought in $4,000 Felony HeistBecause of the dollar amount, this is now up to a major felony.John McKayJohn McKay
Car Prowlers Freak, Drop Stolen Gun and Ammo in PascoCar Prowlers Freak, Drop Stolen Gun and Ammo in Pasco Suspects fled in an older red boxy style Honda Accord.John McKayJohn McKay
Six Arrested in Adams County for Alleged ‘Snitch’ Death ThreatSix Arrested in Adams County for Alleged ‘Snitch’ Death Threat Adams County Deputies say a 13-year-old was nearly killed.John McKayJohn McKay
Suspects Fighting in Apartment Then Assault Officer, Get TaseredSuspects Fighting in Apartment Then Assault Officer, Get TaseredTwo suspects apprehended, photo shows them just prior to incident with police.John McKayJohn McKay
See Videos of Prowlers Hitting Homes in Kennewick [VIDEO]See Videos of Prowlers Hitting Homes in Kennewick [VIDEO]Prowlers trying to steal from homes, apartments in the 3100 block of West Hood.John McKayJohn McKay
Car Prowlers Run Up Bill on Stolen Credit Cards at Fred MeyerCar Prowlers Run Up Bill on Stolen Credit Cards at Fred Meyer A car was broken into at the Edison St. Boat Launch.John McKayJohn McKay
Brush Fire Suspects Surrender to AuthoritiesBrush Fire Suspects Surrender to Authorities3 male juveniles were spotted in the area, playing with Roman candles, set off a multi acre brush fire. John McKayJohn McKay
Don’t Pull Off Crimes in Distinctive Vehicles–Cops Seek This RigDon’t Pull Off Crimes in Distinctive Vehicles–Cops Seek This RigReata Road burglary suspects sought.John McKayJohn McKay