BFHD COVID Update — 14 Deaths, Public Advised to Wear Masks
The death count for COVID-19 related illnesses has moved up to 14 in Benton and Franklin Counties, according to the latest data released Friday by the Benton Franklin Health District.
Updated reports are issued in the aftenoons Monday through Friday. Here's the latest totals...note: due to some lagging/discrepancies between agencies logging tests, and the number of negative tests pouring in, the BFHD is unable to report 'negative' tests today. That is being done to make sure data is 100% accurate.
- CONFIRMED Positive tests: Benton 136, Franklin County 45
- Probable: Benton 38, Franklin 16
- Deaths: 13 Benton, 1 Franklin County (First recorded death in Franklin).
BFHD officials now recommend people wear a mask or even something as simple as a scarf when in public, to help slow the spread of the virus. High Grade medical masks are being reserved for EMS, First Responders and Medical Personnel.
The persons who died, the 5 latest were two in their 60's (the Franklin County one) 1 in 70's, 1 person over 80 and 1 over 90 years of age.
To see the latest BFHD data, click on the button below.