BLM Shuts Down Oregon “Developed Recreation” Areas
So as of Friday 3-27, you can still hike or recreate on Bureau of Land Management areas in Oregon, you just WON'T be able to camp, day camp, or use the restrooms.
Oregon BLM officials announced that 'developed' areas are closed due to the COVID-19 issue, but people can still use the lands for recreation; provided they follow posted signs and instructions.
According to the officials release from the BLM:
"This closure includes all campgrounds, and some day use sites, and restrooms. Trash pickup and sanitation services on most of these recreation facilities will also be temporarily suspended.
Despite the closure of these facilities, multiple opportunities remain for the public to enjoy the outdoors as long as visitors heed orders, guidance, and advice of local and state officials and the Centers for Disease Control. BLM-managed trails and open spaces remain open across Oregon."
The BLM oversees wilderness land in 12 Western states including WA and OR. There are 9 wilderness areas in Oregon managed by BLM, which includes 195 camping areas of all types. THOSE are the ones that are closed for public use.
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