Anti-Gun Control Initiative Qualifies for Washington State Ballot – Has Far More Signatures Than Required
Initiative 591 would counter controversial gun control proposals.
The Second Amendment Foundation has succeeded in landing a proposal on the 2014 election ballot that would prohibit our state from enacting laws stricter than current federal standards.
The group Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) is pushing Initiative 594 that would require back round checks for ALL gun sales, even private transactions. It would also duplicate numerous federal laws already in place. Law enforcement officials across the state have publicly questioned the validity of such a law, saying it's almost impossible to enforce private gun sales, or those at smaller private gun shows, without creating even more intrusive laws that inpede the rights of citizens.
WAGR calls themselves a "grassroots" group, but an examination of their supporters and backers shows they are largely fronted by large special interest groups, and it was started by Seattle venture capitalist Nick Hanauer. These groups, like other controversial political action organizations, are rarely grassroots, more often they are created by powerful and wealthy political activists who then attempt to recruit citizens to help their agenda.
I-591 has already blown past the necessary number of signatures to qualify for the ballot with at least 340,000, but supporters say they will continue to gather them to show even more support. Second Amendement Foundation creator Alan Gottlieb they will continue to collect the signatures until January.