Corona Virus–Reminder: Symptoms, How to Protect Self, Actions to Take
There's been a lot of mis-information flying around, so we thought we'd refresh with facts about the Corona virus�� (COVID-19). These are from the CDC, Centers for Disease Control as of March 10, 2020.
The symptoms:
- Anywhere from 2-14 days after exposure, you may get the following:
- cough, fever, shortness of breath. These are very similar to 'regular' flu or viruses.
- It is thought to be spread person to person:
- Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
- Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
So what sets it apart from 'regular' season flu or viruses? According to the CDC (centers for disease control):
Call your doctor if you…
Develop symptoms, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19
Have recently traveled from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19.
The known affected travel areas that CDC says would prompt a call to your Doctor include:
- China (Level 3 Travel Health Notice)
- Iran (Level 3 Travel Health Notice)
- Italy (Level 3 Travel Health Notice)
- Japan (Level 2 Travel Health Notice)
- South Korea (Level 3 Travel Health Notice)
It may be difficult to 'resist' feeling panicked, but the CDC urges people to follow these guidelines. If a person showing signs is elderly or has compromised immune systems or pre-existing conditions, or is an infant or small child, they should see their doctor anyway as even season flu can be harmful or deadly to them.
There is, as of yet, no known cure or vaccination for the flu, so do not 'chase' after alleged cures. Most of these are seen online, and are NOT legitimate.
Also, you do not need to wear a mask if you are NOT infected. Those who are, should wear a mask to prevent the spread of sneeze droplets as noted above.
For more information, see the CDC website by click on the button below.
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