Oil And Water Don’t Mix…OR Do They? Says Zerorez Carpet Cleaning
We've absolutely loved the job Zerorez does on cleaning our carpets, hardwood floors, and getting the gunk out of our air vents and ductwork. But until we saw this, we thought we'd seen everything.
Zerorez carpet cleaning uses special electrostatically charged water, and it makes the stuff do amazing things. The water not only dissolves some of the toughest stains (including Iodine in our demonstration) but it also acts like an Australian Sheep Dog when it comes to removing oil and grease.
We sat down with Tyson from Zerorez Tri-Cities, and he showed us how the special water 'herds' up the toughest grease and oil. Using olive oil in our video (one of the toughest to clean, it's like mercury!) he showed us how the oil, when mixed with their water, clumps it back together. Then, it can be far more easily sucked out of the carpets with their vacuum, which is powered off of the 400 cubic inch monster engine in their service vans. Watch this video! And, call Zerorez at (509)-582-9000 and finally get your carpets cleaned the way you've always wanted.