Local Vaccination Deadline Poll Contradicts Inslee’s Compliance Claims
One more check of our local Vaccine Mandate poll shows despite Gov. Inslee's claims that vaccine compliance is growing fast, there is still a lot of resistance.
Inslee claims nearly 90 percent of all the state workers are either vaccinated or will be by the Oct. 18th mandate.
However, the latest numbers from our poll show the following percentages about workers who are under the vaccine umbrella. They're not swinging much beyond what we've seen.
The percentages are as follows (as of Tuesday Oct. 12): (the question was "If You've Been Mandated, Have You Gotten the Vaccine?")
- No ---63%
- Yes---17%
- I got an exemption---12%
- I am changing jobs (to avoid mandate) 6%
Granted it's a small local Mid-Columbia poll, but the results are worth considering. As we inch towards Oct. 18th we will see what actually happens. Will the state fire people...or not?
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